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Travelling in Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia - Feel in Bali

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Travelling in Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

Tulamben is a village developed into a tourist attraction because it has the potential of diverse marine. Located in the village of Tulamben, Kubu district, Karangasem regency in the north of about ±25 km from the city Amlapura - the district capital ±37 km from Candidasa tourism, and approximately 82 km from the city of Denpasar. Access to the location easily accessible because it is located on the edge of the highway department Amlapura - Singaraja. Tulamben later developed into a tourist area that includes two districts, namely the village of Tulamben in Kubu district; Village Datah, Labasari Village, Desa cuLik, Purwakerti village, sub-district and village Bunutan Abang.

Tulamben main attraction is the natural potential of the exotic underwater for diving and snorkeling activities because of its clear water conditions throughout the year and the current quiet. At a depth of 30 meters below the sea there are skeleton ship "U.S. Liberty", a U.S. merchant ship that sank due to torpedo submarine hit Japan on January 11, 1942 when the voyage across the Lombok Strait. Shipwreck diving in the depths of Liberty is the best reason for divers who come to Tulamben. There are an estimated 400 species of reef fish inhabit the wreck and visited about 100 species of sea fish (pelagic).
This place is also called paradise reef for marine animals full of surprises that arise, such as the type of ribbon eel, mimic octopus, boxer crabs, ghost pipefish, seahorse, leaf fish, garden eel, lion fish, harlequin shrimp, and other unusual types also found here. While a large collection of jack fish which amount to hundreds tail always enliven this shipwreck, and they are very friendly to divers.
 Of course the divers who've been here before, will come back again. How about you?

Do not worry if you come to Bali and do not know where to rent a cheap car ... click here for a solution ..

KayuPadi Sunrise
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