Tinggalkan Pertanyaan
Tirta Gangga - Feel in Bali

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tirta Gangga

Tirta means holy water from the Ganges river Ganges which is a sacred river by the Hindus . Tirta Ganga water park is a royal palace built in 1948 by King Anak Agung Karangasem Anglurah named Ketut Karangasem .
What's interesting about this is the palace of the water park is equipped with a maze of pools and fountains and is surrounded by lush gardens and statues . In 1963 this place was destroyed by the enormity of the eruption of Mount Agung , but the park is full of love finally succeeded in rebuilding the structure while maintaining a water garden before the palace . The core of this is the water park eleven tiered fountain surrounded by statues and various ornamental carvings very interesting .
Area around this park still retaining the naturalness with rice fields are very beautiful to enjoy . And now many well built home stay , hotel and restaurant , but while maintaining the authenticity of the surrounding nature .
Referensi gambar : http://footage.shutterstock.com
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