For my friend who did not want to hard, the easiest way to vacation in Bali is to book a tour package to Travel Bureau or call the travel. Buddy can order the desired package or stay just choose a travel package that has been offered.
With a lump sum in one place, all is taken care of by the travel. All tourist needs a buddy want to be planned, served, delivered shuttle, accompanied, and hosted by the service. Parties also provide all the convenience of travel, such as the one stop shopping tourism, the supermarket, has been handled by people who are experts in organizing tickets, transportation, hotel, restaurant, entertainment, special interest attractions, tours, shopping, delivery, completeness of documents tour, to the tour guide.
Do not be shocked if they knew what my friend wanted. Entrusting all to them. In addition to experienced, they also have special education, very professional, and accredited by the Department of Tourism continues.
Travel professional assessment that can be seen from the office and complete facilities owned, amount of investment, organization, employment, activity in the field, the extent of the work area, cooperation with many other tour players, many guests will be using this travel, and other services provided. Travel on these assessments can be divided into 4 classes marked Chakra. Highest class of class A, 4 marked Chakra. Middle class and B class, marked 3 Chakra. Classes are class C, marked 2 Chakra. Lowest class of class D, 1 marked Chakra.
Now my friend was able to consider a nice travel as an option. There are some tips on choosing a good travel that can be used as a guideline:
Figuring out the work for which areas.
Make sure the first period of detailed information to Bali, how many nights, how many people, how many times full day tour or half day tour and demand - another request.
Ask products and facilities offered. See String together a package tour or request a tour package with design and details of the trip cost.
Choose a class cakranya travel the higher the better.
Usually asked to confirm and advance money transfer and payment in full before the day of check out.
you just go and all arranged by the travel.